Thursday, August 7, 2008

Special Patron Recognition

As a librarian, I come in contact with many people every day. Our exchanges are usually simple where I either find a book or other material they need, help them find information using print or online resources, or simply place something on hold for them. Today, I had the opportunity to meet a very special patron. An older gentlemen came into the library with his laptop and needed some help connecting to the Internet and saving files to a CD. As I was helping him, he asked about the chess program here at the library. I learned that the gentleman, Mr. Frank Fogg, was once a famous chess player himself. In 1972, Fogg played against the famous Tirgan Petrosian, a world renown chess master, and beat him! After 33 moves and 2.5 hours of playing, Fogg watched as Petrosian lay down his king in defeat. Mr. Fogg was kind enough to give me a copy of the newspaper article, signed by Petrosian himself.

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